

Monday 25 April 2011

How Competitive Are You?

Test yourself by asking yourself these questions: Are you a competitive basketball player?

Answer True or False:
1. I hate to lose.
2. When I play poorly I get very upset at myself.
3. I am more likely to swear when I’m losing than when I’m winning.
4. I don’t mind trying different game strategies even if they cause us to lose.
5. I go into most games thinking I’m going to win.
6. During a game I sometimes feel sorry for opponents.
7. I don’t mind when team mates play poorly, as long as we win.
8. A team can be considered successful without winning.
9. Winning is the main reason for competing.
10. I am more concerned with having fun than winning.
11. Losing a well played game is satisfying.
12. The main reason for practicing is to win.
13. I mind when team mates give less than 100 percent.
14. Losing a game we should have won really hurts.

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